Time to rebound: Girls basketball team looks to seniors Gilfillan, Umbright to lead 2019-2020 season

Prem Chandrasekar, Managing Editor

The Naperville Central Girls Basketball team is having a great start to their season as they start with a 5-2 record. 

“We have a really strong team,” senior captain Kate Gilfilian said. “We have a lot of good chemistry and we’re playing the best we’ve ever played together.”

Last year, the Redhawks ended their season with a 12-20 record, losing many starting players to injury during their season. 

“Two or three of our starters missed games because of injury at one point or another last year,” head coach Andy Nussbaum said.

One of the biggest disadvantages that the team has this year is the height of the players.

“We’re definitely short [as a team],” Gilfillian said. “We play against really tall girls, so we’re gonna have to have to learn how to work around the problem.”

Senior player Lauren Umbright agrees, adding that the team needs to also improve in being more confident.

 “We have to be more confident and more offensive minded,” Umbright said. 

The number one strength is our shooting. In our first three games, we scored a total of 33 three pointers.

— Andy Nussbaum

To counter these problems, the team relying on their main strength. 

The Redhawks are up for the challenge this year.

“There are a variety of things that we will try on but I’m really pleased with our team effort and execution so far,” Nussbaum said. “We obviously need to get better, but I think we are ready for the challenge.”