Column: A broken record

Luka Sereci, Columnist

As we progress through a pandemic, people make their attempts at a semi decent life. Life seems so boring, but this boredom contains much more depth than most might think. 

I’m bored, and odds are, if you’re reading this, you are too, getting the feeling that everyday is just another dreadful trip down Mundane Street and a turn down Predictable Avenue. But hey, don’t be upset, maybe, just maybe, you’ll do something a tad bit out of the ordinary, like completing a jigsaw puzzle. Yes, we have successfully reached a time in our life where the most exciting part of our day is assembling pieces of meaningless cardboard. 

My purpose for writing is not only to point out that all of our lives are just one big repeated motion that consists of merely no substance, but more so a reminder that this tidal wave of predictability has impacted humans way more than most perceive; whether the effects are mental, social or physical, this new journey through a pandemic has changed the game for everyone.  

As people, we are used to being busy and hard at work, and at a glance, having a jam packed schedule doesn’t sound all that good. However, it allows your brain to feel likes it is accomplishing something. Something as simple as driving to school or going out and grabbing lunch makes you think you did something productive with your day. 

But lately, this feeling of productiveness is nowhere to be found.  

A recent New York Times article noted that “of 3,300 high school students… nearly one-third reported feeling unhappy or depressed in recent months.” 

This statistic, though disheartening, is not surprising. With the given circumstances, everyday becomes one big glob. You wake up. You log into school, which itself is heavily deprived of any type of real human interaction. Next, you do your homework, if you can somehow manage to find enough motivation to do so. Perhaps after you’re done you decide to go out, but you remember COVID is a thing and hanging with your friends isn’t the best idea. In the end, you stay home, turn on the television and attempt to distract yourself from the frightening world that revolves around you. Repeat this a handful of times and you have a distinct summary of what quarantine life looks like for millions of teenagers worldwide. 

Safety comes first. However, safety doesn’t mean we plummet our lives into an abyss of insipidity. Change is needed. It could be something as simple as waking up early or going on a walk. And if that’s too much at least make a schedule for yourself.  

Little by little we can work to better ourselves. Times are hard. I know it. You know it. But for now, just try and make the best of it.