Trump-apocalypse, the good, the bad and the ugly

Jack Anderson, Sports Editor

Obama, you’re fired. Just recently Donald J. Trump was inaugurated into the White House as our 45th President of the United States of America. On that same day, protests against Trump already arose both violent and peaceful showing that people are already ticked off about Trump even though he hasn’t done a single thing as president. We may have a hard four years ahead of us. I myself, am a centrist with a left lean and don’t like Donald, but I can speak with reason and here are my predictions on some of Donald Trump’s policies.

Environment: Let’s start off with my least favorite part of Donald’s plans. “Cancel job killing restrictions on the production of shale energy and clean coal, creating many millions of high-paying jobs” Trump said. These tweets were taken from which is a quote checking website to see if quotes from politicians are real or not. When I heard “clean coal”, I thought that was the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Coal, no matter how you burn it, is bad. It contains CO2 and other Greenhouse gasses. Coal mining itself is a very dirty process which often destroys environments by creating mass amounts of tailings and black sludge that can be harmful to the environment. It doesn’t end there, Donald Trump’s tweets are some of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard including “The concept of Global Warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive,” Trump said. Which doesn’t make any sense since the idea of Global Warming has been around since 1896 when the industrial revolution was still taking place. In which a Swedish scientist theorized that the burning of fossil fuels could eventually lead to overheating on earth. So how could the Chinese come up with global warming recently if humanity has been aware for over 100 years that Global Warming is a possibility of happening? Overall, Donald Trump’s stance on the environment is what ticks me off the most, from appointing someone who doesn’t believe in Global Warming to the EPA to burning coal “cleanly.”

Gun Control: Even though I have a left lean, I actually like some of Trump’s ideas for this area. I believe that the second amendment allows people to own guns of course like most people, but during the Obama administration some of that right was blocked when Korean surplus was trying to sell historically significant guns such as M1 Garands and other world war two and Korean War aged weapons back to America through an importation ban. As of now, congress is trying to pass a bill that will allow the shipment of historically significant guns “most likely only Korean war and any previous war before that” weapons back to Americans. I am personally fine with this, as these were important history pieces that would interesting to own. They also have pretty high recoil, rare ammunition. “M1’s can’t really handle modern 30.06 well I’ve been told” and low capacity so there really shouldn’t be any major problems if liberals come running toward them claiming that these are “scary, assault type weapons.” So if Trump signs this bill like he says he will, I’m all for it.

The Wall: I’m fine with a wall. Simple as that. It could create jobs for Americans because a wall doesn’t build itself you know. On top of that, it’s not like Trump can deport legal US citizens from Mexico so who cares, all it will stop is just a couple of illegals and that’s it. Though the overall helpfulness is debatable. For one, railroads run into and out of Mexico so that will be a problem building a wall over railroad tracks, and of course illegal immigrants so can just use the Pacific to the left, and the Gulf of Mexico to the right, to get into America anyway so the actual usefulness is quite debatable but the jobs it will produce needing to design and construct the wall aren’t so I can’t disagree with those.

Immigration: Recently, Trump has signed 3 executive orders which includes the banning of America taking refugees from middle eastern countries. This includes allegedly, prioritizing Christian refugees over Muslim ones. Although, Christian nor Muslim in it. The way it worded can really be taken as trying to keep Muslims out. Taken from which had a full transcript of the executive order. “Prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.” said Trump. This, I feel is a low key way of trying to keep Muslims out. Sure it doesn’t say it explicitly, but what religion is ISIS and is the majority in the most of the Middle Eastern countries that this is affecting? I feel this overall isn’t a good thing, we are playing right into what ISIS wants us to be, America being fearful that ISIS will strike us at any moment, that they are able to easily control our foreign policy. Letting ISIS know we will not let anyone in because of their attacks only heightens their confidence. What we need to do is just show them that we will not kneel over to them, and keep accepting refugees. Americans are more likely to die of lightning strikes than terrorism. So I really think that trump’s policy on immigration isn’t good because he is doing exactly what ISIS wants.
Verdict: I think Trump is going to be a rather tame presidency, it is really hard to already judge him when he’s only been presidency for only a couple weeks. Trump I believe is going to do things people love and hate, like any other politician. It’s just that people from the beginning hated trump more than anyone else. But hey, it could be worse, Mike Pence could be president and not vice president “If you don’t know, Vice President does nothing beside vote if the senate is in a tie really, meaning he can do nothing.” Now I disagree with just about everything Pence agrees with, but he’s not President yet because no crazy left leaner never actually assassinated Trump so I’ll leave that rant for another day.