Link Crew to replace Freshman Mentoring Program during 2014-2015 school year

Gloria Korpas, Front Page Editor

Central is revamping its Freshman Mentoring Program (FMP). For the 2014-2015 school year, Central has adopted a program called Link Crew, aimed at better helping freshmen in their transition into high school. This program has four main components: orientation, academics, social and leader contact.

Link Crew will keep the classroom lessons and setting FMP offered—a group of four to five peer leaders giving lessons to approximately 25 freshmen—while “linking” each Junior leader to a small group of around six freshmen. The junior will mentor these freshmen for the first semester and keep in contact with them for the rest of the year, a change from the FMP program. According to Donna Mohn, social studies teacher and new co-coordinator of Link Crew, these small groups will help create a friendlier atmosphere for the freshmen.

“We’re providing the structure and the training for the leaders to connect more personally with freshmen,” Mohn said. “It’s adding an extra layer, with leaders just being a friend.”

Mohn explained that schools that implemented this program experienced positive effects in attendance rates, academic performance and social and emotional well-being, thanks to the connection between the upperclassman and the freshman.

“If your freshman is not doing well, it’s on you to do something about it,” Mohn said, explaining the roles of future mentors.  “Juniors and seniors kind of know what it takes to be successful in high school, while freshmen are just figuring it out.”

Link Crew will also enhance the sense of community in Central, with freshmen confident they can approach their junior mentor for help.

“You feel like you belong to something,” Mohn said. “People recognize you, they know your name and they don’t let you drift away. You as a freshman feel more involved in the school and want to do better.”

A new component to the mentoring program will be freshman-only social events, giving mentors more opportunities to connect with their freshmen.  Some current ideas include a freshman-only tailgate before a football game and a back-to-school dance.

 The future Link Leaders are already receiving training for the upcoming school year. Sophomore Kasey Hendrick explains that her own experience with FMP did not leave her with strong relationships with her mentors, so she plans to create a different experience for the incoming freshmen.

“I do wish I had a chance to get closer with [a mentor] when I was a freshman,” Hendrick said. With Link Crew, we can actually ‘link’ the school and make the transition to high school better for freshmen. I really do hope I get a chance to help the freshmen out and make an impact!”